Kamis, Agustus 07, 2008

miskonsepsi emo style

Anak muda sering menjadi korban miskonsepsi dan begitu pula style yang mereka anut. Emo style adalah salah satu yang sering disalah kaprahkan oleh para orang tua yang menganggap anak muda penganutnya sebagai pemberontak dan apatis.

Salah satunya adalah penggunaan kosmetik rambut pada rambut emo. Sering kali penyandang gaya rambut emo menggunakan banyak hair gel atau produk hairstyling lainnya. Karena hal tersebut, banyak orang mengasumsikan bahwa rambut anak-ank emo tidak bersih. Kesan seperti ini bisa timbul ketika loe gak membersihkan rambut loe secara rutin.

Zat kimia yang ditinggalkan produk hairstyling di rambut bisa menyebabkan rambut terlihat sangat jelek dan tidak terawat. Dari rambut yang tidak terawat seperti itu lah muncul kesan bahwa orang-orang emo apatis, bahkan tidak peduli pada diri mereka sendiri.

Padahal kalau kita mengaku emo, kita pasti tahu bahwa salah satu prinsip emo adalah menampilkan emosi dalam diri melalui penampilan. Berarti penampilan yang tidak terawat = emosi yang juga tidak terawat.

Para orang tua juga sering kali menganggap anak muda yang menyandang emo style berkepribadian tidak stabil. Mereka mungkin saja memandang pakaian anak emo yang ”sedikit berbeda” ditambah poni yang menggantung menutupi setengah wajah sebagai hal yang negatif. Gaya rambut seperti itu sering kali dianggap untuk menyembunyikan diri.

Walaupun penampilan menggambarkan apa yang ada dalam diri kita sesungguhnya, sebenarnya mereka tidak berhak menilai kita secara negatif hanya dari setereotip dan asosiasi yang tidak jelas. Kita juga harus secara ekstra aktif menunjukkan sikap positif kita untuk mengimbangi miskonsepsi negatif tersebut. Repot memang, tapi mau bagaimana lagi... namanya juga orang tua.

emo haircuts

The emo haircuts work best with the proper look and wardrobe, for some emo hair makes them look like gods, for some like fags.

Here are the best emo hair cuts for boys, pictures included:

Short Emo Hair Cut - short emo haircuts are not so cool, if you ask me, actually they are hideous. Better grow your hair and have one of the medium emo hair cuts, which I love.

Medium Emo Hair Cuts

- Something like this.

Now let's move on to emo hair cuts for girls:

Black Emo Girl Haircuts

f you have your best friend that has a blonde emo hair cut, this will be even 10 times cooler because of the contrast - see this pic?

Messy Emo Haircuts - Messy hair cuts are the thing (also my style), they totally rock the house.

Short Emo Girl Hair Cuts - If you opt for a short haircut, then choose one of these emo hair cuts, please, hehe. I just love them.

Straight short emo girl hair

Short and bit messy emo hair cut

Long Emo Girl Hair Cuts

Curly Emo Girl Hair Cuts - more and more curly girls are looking for an emo girl hair cut, so these was brought in. Unfortunately, I have not found pictures with curly emo girls, if you have one send it over.

Ponytails Emo Girl Hair Cuts - no, don't go with ponytails emo hair cuts unless you lost a bet and you can't bribe the person you lost it to. Ponytails emo hair cuts will make you look horrible and childish (not childish cute, but rather silly and stupid).
Colored Emo Hair Cuts - Red is quite hot, and also blue, pink and violet.

emo hair

Emo Hair, Emo Hair Styles

How to get Emo Hair & Emo Hair Ideas

Emo means a lot of different things to different people, but basically it describes a sub-genre of punk, that incorporates a particular style of fashion and music. Emo hair styles can be varied, but they all incorporated three basic elements:

♥ Black - true Emo hair styles start from a basic deep black colouring. Very few people have truly black hair, so this is usually a dyed in colour, which can also be combined with streaks and sections of other colours, from natural lowlights/highlights to vivid punk type colours like neon pinks and electric blues.

♥ Asymmetrical - Emo haircuts are typically asymmetrical, with choppy, sharply cut layers. This allows people to be imaginative and original with their hair styling, and creates looks that are at once well groomed, trendy and wild

♥ Straight - Emo hair styles begin with dead straight, sleek hair, which can only really be achieved with modern straightening irons and hair serums. Spiky hair is popular in Emo styles as well, but these are typically trendy, sleek spikes rather than random messy spikes of punk styles.

Emo hair styles encourage people to experiment with the shape of their hair from the cut right through to the accessories, and can be a fun way to individualise your personal look. Clips, grips and hair bands can be used to accentuate and create various shapes, and colour can be added in blocks or streaks to create volume and texture. Emo hairstyles can be any length, and can easily be created at home, although it might be a good idea to get the basic cut done by a professional to get those really sharp, razored-in layers. There are no particular rules when it comes to cutting the hair for Emo styles, just get inventive with choppy layers and fringes, but whatever length you have these styles are normally longer at the front to cover and frame the face.

Short Emo Hair Shorter Emo hair styles are all about shape and a good guideline to a basic cut is short and snappy at the back, and longer and sharply razored-in at the front. A simple style to create is to rub a little styling wax into your hair with your fingers and then mist over with hairspray. Then use straightening irons all over to finish off with a smooth, glossy look. The fringe and front sections of the hair are normally left to fall sleekly across the face, or you might want to clip them back with some funky hair grips. Short emo hair is also excellent for recreating spiky styles, and to get those really well groomed, sleek spikes straighten the hair first, and then use a little hair wax to sculpt the spikes upwards.

Mid-length emo hair Mid length emo hair is great for showing off those really choppy sharp styles, so get your layers razor cut and use straightening irons and hair serum to make the finish really modern and sleek. You can also have fun with colours, such as streaks or even clip-in extensions, which come in a range of funky bright dyes. Experiment with accessorises as well, but remember that Emo styles are rarely 'up dos', and the shape of the hair comes from the cut and textures, rather than styling the hair into standard pony tails, plaits, French twists etc.

Long emo hair Long hair needs to be really well cut, with lots of sharp, funky layers to create definition and stop the hair from looking out of condition and lank. It can be too damaging for long hair to keep dying it different colours, so it might be a good idea just to dye it the basic black, and then use temporary clip-in hair extensions for splashes of colour. Also if you have very thick hair then layers can help smooth out the overall shape and stop it from looking too bushy. If you want to create more volume in a longer style, you can spray the top back layers of your cut with a good holding hairspray, and then gently backcomb with a brush. Keep the longer bottom layers and the fringe straight to maintain that look of well groomed sleekness.

rambut gothic

Gothic hairstyle bukan lah gaya rambut yang mainstream dan sangat sulit ditemui di tempat-tempat publik. Gothic hair beda dengan punk girl dan juga bukan seperti yang kita lihat di kepala Elvira (mistress of dark –red). Tapi bisa dibilang ini adalah pengabungan dari dua hairstyle itu.

Model rambut ini biasanya lebih dari satu tone warna, kecuali hitam. Warna yang digunakan biasanya merah, ungu, atau pirang yang memudar. Ada banyak bentuk gothic hairstyle. Yang pertama adalah rambut lurus panjang dengan kepangan di beberapa bagian. Yang kedua adalah rambut yang dipasang tinggi dan mengembang.

Ada lagi bentuk gothic hair yang ekstrim. Rambut dibentuk sedemikian rupa menjadi hal-hal yang berbau kegelapan seperti tanduk. Ada lagi yang penataannya biasa-biasa saja namun tampilannya dibuat super sleek atau klimis. Pokoknya tinggal pilih dai sekian banyak cara membuat gothic hair yag cocok dengan rambut loe. Lumaya buat bekal nonton konser Siouxsie and the Banshees atau Aiden.

gaya pakaian emo

Gaya emo mengadaptasi perpaduan gaya indie dan budaya punk. Khaki menjadi warna dominant, walaupun tidak selalu. Kaos dibuat pas badan bahkan cenderung kekecilan dan mengatung di bagian lengan dengan gambar khas berupa simbol band atau artis rock.

Yang unik dari gaya emo adalah pria yang memakai jeans dengan potongan wanita dipadukan dengan ikat pinggang punk. Aksesoris yang dipakai seperti kacamata ber-frame hitam, wristband, arm socks, sweat bands, dan tak ketinggalan piercing.

Converse All Star menjadi pilihan favorit sepatu gaya emo, di samping itu Vans juga sepatu skate lain. Backpack atau messenger bags penuh pin menambah aksen gaya emo.

Emo yang berasal dari singkatan emotional music merupakan budaya baru dalam dunia anak muda. Walaupun sering dipakai sebagai genre musik, emo sebenarnya ungkapan dari sebuah fashion atau style dan attitude.

Emo digeneralisasi dengan perasaan galau dan melankolis. Ini bisa dilihat dari gaya khasnya yaitu rambut lurus panjang di bagian depan dan menutupi sebelah mata.